Investment and Purchase / Resale Option

Customers may wish to make an investment in a North Cyprus Property primarily with a view to selling the property on as a North Cyprus Property Sale, either during the construction phase, or when the building is completed.

This is an attractive investment proposition because there is a serious shortage of completed modern properties on the North Cyprus Market. Such properties, which are available for immediate occupation, sell at a significant premium.

The process is similar to the Stage Payment Model, except that the Purchaser / Investor is not required to make an application to the Council of Ministers for registration of property ownership. No stamp duty nor solicitors fees are payable.


  1. As an investment, Mrs Jones reserves a plot and pays a Reservation Fee of £2,000.
  2. She contracts to buy a Mirage 3 bed villa at £73,400 and pays a deposit of 22%.

From this point onwards, she is entitled to sell on her rights to the property and harvest the investment..

  1. She makes two further stage payments of 22% each.
  2. She decides to harvest her investment and sell the partially constructed North Cyprus Property as a North Cyprus House Sale after 8 months.
  Amount Description Timing
Her payments to date are - £ 2,000 Reservation Fee Day 1
  £16,148 Stage 1 Payment Month 1
  £16,148 Stage 2 Payment Month 3
  £16,148 Stage 3 Payment Month 6
The financial position is -      
  Sales Price £95,420 Based on a 30% growth
Payments £50,444 Payments & Reservation
  Agents Fee   Wellington Reimbursed
  Outstanding £22,956 Balance of Costs to
Complete the build










  1. The Profit of £22,020 is made on a total investment outlay of £50,444.
  2. The profit is enhanced by the fact that the investment was made over a period of 8 months and only £18,148 was payable by the end of Month 1.
  3. Regular building progress reports, including pictures, will be sent to the Purchaser / Investor prior to any Stage Payment requests.
  4. The profit would be significantly greater if the Purchaser / Investor had sold when the property was completed.
  5. If the Purchaser / Investor should decide to take occupation of the property, then the title will be transferred without premium or penalty.
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